

应该是很多年前,记不清是在什么地方看到的Cleaning Hunk的这个帅哥清洁的广告,当时印象还是颇为深刻的。Do you remember the impressive advertisement of the handsome Cleaning Hunk cleaning the house for a lady a few years ago?
现在又在网上找到官网,发现其重新构造了一番。依然是用熟男诱惑在家的欧巴桑——当然这也是其目标顾客群,不过增强了互动性。首先有两个不同风格的熟男可供选择(其中一位实在是不符合我的审美观,被我直接pass,当然这里也就没有图片);然后是产品的两个常用地——浴室和厨房供你挑选,并且之后还可选择拉丁,舞曲,摇滚三种不同风格的背景音乐;最后,还可以根据喜好选择熟男的着装——建筑工人和古罗马斗士,就看哪一种符合你的口味啦!Now I found its official website and discovered it re-constructed. Still the strategy is to temptate housewives- the main targeted customer- by hunk. But the interaction wad reinforced. First, there are two different hunk to select(one of which was directly passed by me of his appearance,therefore there's no pictures at all) ; Second, there're two scenes- bathroom and kitchen- to select,where the product are often used, and after this we can also choose latin, dance or rock as background music; Finally, you can how the hunk dreesed- construction worker or gladiator, which depends on you!
