

第一次看Survivor是在读高中的时候了,应该是Survivor的第2季在澳洲,那时候这种Reality Show才兴起没多久,我也只不过从报纸上知道这类节目很红,可是那时后心智还不够成熟吧,勉强看了一半,完全没有感觉。
知道最近闲来支持了一下第15季的Survivor: China,一向不爱国的我还是支持了一下自己的祖国,发现还是比较看得懂其中的勾心斗角、尔谀我诈了,这就是成长吗?
The first time I watched Survivor was at my senior school.And I still remember its the second season of the series-Survivor: Australian Outback and its the beginning of Reality Show becoming popular, which I knew only from newspaper. Maybe I'm not mature enough then, so I barely watched half of that season and felt to boring to go on.
Recently I've read the 15th season was in China. Though I'm not patriotic enough, I watched it for being curious that how the Survivor would be in my familiar motherland and found I could gasp the wisdom of cheating an union in the game. Is this the growth?
