以前曾介绍过google的翻译浏览器按钮,对于浏览一些外文网站的时候颇有帮助(虽说也不大,特别是现在很多网站都使用Adobe Flash Player之后,它就无能为力了,但总的来说还是聊胜于无的,总比面对一大堆日文等等的时候两眼一摸黑好。)最近发现它另一个用处,那就是绕过我们伟大的GFW。当你要访问的网站被伟大的GFW和谐而打不开时,你只需要将翻译浏览器按钮象平时那样使用即可——将翻译浏览器按钮添加到浏览器的链接工具栏后,只需再点击一下鼠标,就万事Okay了。看一下,你是不是以翻译的面貌出来了,这样就比设代理之类的方便多了。
Previously I've introduced Google's Translation Browser Buttons, which's somewhat helpful when you visit some foreign language websites( Although not much, especially the wide application of Adobe Flash Player in many sites make it useless, yet it's better than facing a Japanes website with no tools like an idiot.) . Recently I found another use of the Translation Browser Buttons, which is to bypass our great GFW. When the website you like to visit is always blocked by the GFW, you can use it as ususal- first, add the translation browser button to your browser's Links Toolbar;second, with a single click it'll translate web pages at once. Let's have a look! The webpage you want comes out in the form of translation and this is much convenient than the other methods.
Tips: In order not to affect the webpage, we'd better use of the the language not existing in the webpage. For example, if I want to pay a visit to a blocked webpage in Taiwan,it's better to use the button " Arabic to English" . Because there's no Arabic in the webpage, no change would happen and maintain the original appearance.
Wow, I even admire myself for thinking of such an original idea!