最近不经意间又看到他,于是就Google了一下,找到Chris Rockway的MySpace,看了一下,发现一个让我大吃一惊的事实——Chris Rockway居然才25,我一直都把他当作中年大叔了呢(主要是因为看见他头上的抬头纹,只不过这再一次证明了外国人的年龄真的挺难猜的),有兴趣了解更多的话不妨自己去看一看。Chris Rockway想遇到的人是牙医,好象是很多人的性幻想对象。根据心理学说,牙医是很多小孩害怕和恐惧的对象。而去看牙医的经历也通常伴随着疼痛的记忆,而将牙医作为性幻想对象,意味着潜意识深处对权威统治下经受痛苦的服从的愉悦吧!
Chris Rockway在Randyblue的网页
The first time I knew about Chris is from Randy Blue, Chris Rockway in the P2P world( It's a blog written by Taiwanese, which I found about 2 or 3 years ago and really is so full of various gay contents that I thought it could be called a gay porn's encycolpedia then, but some problems happened, and a large number of articles were lost, which even I regretted. ) .And I was just bored then, so I downloaded some videoes to watch. His looks's really right for my tastes- athletic build, huge cock, natural performances all left me a very good impression.
So recently seeing him again inadvertently, I googled and found MySpace of Rockway Chris. To my astonishment, after reading I discovered a fact- Chris Rockway was only 25 while I've always regarded him as a middle-aged Uncle(The mistake' mainly of his wrinkels on his forehead and it proved the truth once again- the age of foreigner's really hard to guess), and you might take a look by yourselves in the case of having more interests. Chris Rockway wants to meet a dentist, and such career maybe the sex fantasy of many people probably. According to Psychology, dentist is the one most children feel afraid and frightened of and the experience with the dentist usually accompanied the memory of pain.So to take the dentist as the sex fantasy usually means the obedient pleasure of suffering under the authority in deep subconscious!
PS:The piture here is not good of lack of suitable photos.