

Brothers & Sisters是ABC大概1年多前出的新剧了吧,当时一推出就很火,我好奇之下看了一集就放弃了,觉得就是美国一大家子琐碎的事儿,没什么意思。最近看了很多关于B & S的文章,我鬼使神差的有看了起来,谁知却从此欲罢不能了,一发不可收拾。很喜欢他们一大家子聚在一起,吵吵嚷嚷的情景。

戏外的事:看B & S的确可以感觉到L.A.确实是对gay比较友善。还有,我恨编剧罢工。

与B & S无关的事:看了被热捧的Gossip Girl,我完全没有想看的欲望,又一个铁打的事实告诉我——你老了,居然不看青春剧了。
Brothers & Sisters is a new drama of ABC probably more than one year ago. It got popular when the first time it was broadcast. Being curious, I watched 1 episode but hadn't continued. I felt it was all about the trivial things in a family of United States and boring. Recently after reading lots of articles about B & S , My interests was aroused again. Even more, I'm unable to stop it. Desperately like the scene that the whole family quarrel with each at their famliy's meeting. Of course, the most attractive thing to me is the love chronicles of gay Kevin who looks so cute: the first Scotty- who is the rumored boyfriend of W( In fact, I barely watched PB and didn't feel he's hot)- made me feel that he might be a little bitchy just at the beginning, but later I find his smile's so warm that I couldn't resist; The second term Chad is not my type, so I ignored him directly; The third Jason is quite well, but I was the kind that always miss old friend( really disgusting). So I still support Scotty. Although from the story I can felt that the relationship between Scotty and Kevin won't be long.

Others: From B & S I could feel that L.A. is more friendly to gay indeed. Also, I hate the writer's strike.

More others: After watching 1 episode of Gossip Girl, I did not feel the desire to watch more, which means I'm too old to feel the passion of youth.
