第一次发现Dante's Cove是搜索QAF的副产品,正逢QAF看得产生审美疲劳,于是就下了下来看,结果正如大多看过的人所说的,除了俊男美女,的确没什么可看的。
Dante's Cove作为一部神怪内容的同志片,题材倒是挺新颖的。可惜内容确实比较苍白,让人比较难感兴趣。不过里面的演员都比较养眼,相对于电视剧来说拍摄得也算比较大胆了,算得上是一个看点吧。
顺便说一下Dante's Cove的播出电视台here!,看台标就知道是以GLBT为主要受众的电视台,因此内容都比较劲爆,好奇经营状况如何?
Discovering Dante's Cove is a by-product of searching QAF.Just then I've watched QAF for a long time and felt a little boring,therefore Dante's Cove was downloaded to instead.Like most people' comments on it,there's nothing Watchable except the beauties in the drama.
Dante's Cove -a gay themed drama of the fantasy content is very novel indeed. Unfortunately, it's too pale to arise people's interests. But the seductive actors and the pictures which is more bold than usual dramas is an attractive point for watching.
By the way, the TV broadcast Dante's Cove is here! . You can easily tell that it's a TV typically for the audience of GLBT form the label, so the contents are much hotter. Now I'm just curious about how's its operation. Profits or not?