哈哈哈哈哈,我还真的是totally out of fashion,时隔大半年后居然鬼使神差的想起在blog上记记。
身为gay,首当一提的当然是Matthew Mitcham,只不过我还真的没什么新鲜的可说,该8的都应该在半年前8得一干二净了,我在这里仅仅是为了做一个记号而已。
一点小回忆:记得当初Matthew夺冠时,我就对中国队的两人完全没有爱,因此当其最后一跳完美出色的完成不能不说是欣喜的。然后再第2天上网时才发现铺天盖地Matthew出柜的消息(当然中国官方是没有的,简直就恨不得象伊朗那样说中国没有gay了),才回想起Matthew跳水后的背景音乐是Dancing Queen,莞尔。
有南欧人那不羁的特质的Alberto Cisolla是意大利国家排球队的队长(意大利果然美男云集,口水ing)。发现三大球中还是排球最得我心,果然gay都是尽量避免激烈的身体冲突的吗?
身为gay,首当一提的当然是Matthew Mitcham,只不过我还真的没什么新鲜的可说,该8的都应该在半年前8得一干二净了,我在这里仅仅是为了做一个记号而已。
一点小回忆:记得当初Matthew夺冠时,我就对中国队的两人完全没有爱,因此当其最后一跳完美出色的完成不能不说是欣喜的。然后再第2天上网时才发现铺天盖地Matthew出柜的消息(当然中国官方是没有的,简直就恨不得象伊朗那样说中国没有gay了),才回想起Matthew跳水后的背景音乐是Dancing Queen,莞尔。
(二)Tory Dumais
自从鲨鱼皮的兴起,游泳就成了食之无味,弃之可惜的鸡肋了。想那一具具青春健美的胴体就这样被包裹得严严实实,我就对Speedo恨得牙痒痒的——暴殄天物啊!!!于是乎更多的投降了跳水,顺应也发现了更多的跳水SG。Troy Dumai就是在此时翩然出现,英俊的面庞,修长而结实的身材,挽救我们的眼球于危难之间。(三)北島康介
难得的国人,babyfat很有爱,炼游泳的身材自不待说。发现果然人越老越注重肉体,我现今亦从外协成功转会了。有南欧人那不羁的特质的Alberto Cisolla是意大利国家排球队的队长(意大利果然美男云集,口水ing)。发现三大球中还是排球最得我心,果然gay都是尽量避免激烈的身体冲突的吗?
钙片儿(11)——Male Body Undress
Male Body Undress是Coat在08年末出的片子,全片共5个场景讲述的是如何在近半年的时间里一步步拆除直人的心理防线出演钙片。以最初的拍摄照片为饵,然后由AV女优勾引,到最后的眼睛大叔上场(只做到Masturbation,没有10,颇让人期待下一步),都是从时间到心理上循序渐进而使得其缴械投降的,明显是为了投合gay所喜闻乐见的直男扳弯而排出的片子。演员长相身材都很优,算是很不错的片子;但需注意的是第三场景有女优出现(不喜者需注意)以及图像画面在运动时有锯齿感的小瑕疵。
Male Body Undress eMule下载
Male Body Undress eMule下载
"Now You Know" - Season 4, Episode 1
On 30 September, ABC broadcast the new Season 4 of DH, which is so plain that I even intended to stop watching ever.
Do you remember Eddie's suicide at the end of last season? After watching I felt confused, because she doesn't seems to be such weak character. In the beginning of Season 4 the reason was revealed, which is just a pretence to make Carlos who still love Gaby stay. I dislike the actions Gaby did. It's indeed superfluous that she resolutely insisted on the divorce from Carlos, now that she want to go together now.A new neighbour come though they're not the rumoured gay couple I expect。The daughter's amnesia seems to have some connections with her father. Whether the father assault her and was killed by her mother, I guess. Bree finally met a good man who loves and supports her completely. She pretend pregnancy with the help of Orson, which actually disagreed. It's really funny that the couple pretended it to be a trick when the fork stuck into the pillow on Bree's belly, which help her pretend to be pregnant.Lynette finally admitted the cancer on her to friends though at first she's trying to hide. She's too self-esteem to accept the compassion from others, even from her best friends. So it's ridiculous to see that they put their hands together to make a commitment that there's no more secrects between each other.
Do you remember Eddie's suicide at the end of last season? After watching I felt confused, because she doesn't seems to be such weak character. In the beginning of Season 4 the reason was revealed, which is just a pretence to make Carlos who still love Gaby stay. I dislike the actions Gaby did. It's indeed superfluous that she resolutely insisted on the divorce from Carlos, now that she want to go together now.A new neighbour come though they're not the rumoured gay couple I expect。The daughter's amnesia seems to have some connections with her father. Whether the father assault her and was killed by her mother, I guess. Bree finally met a good man who loves and supports her completely. She pretend pregnancy with the help of Orson, which actually disagreed. It's really funny that the couple pretended it to be a trick when the fork stuck into the pillow on Bree's belly, which help her pretend to be pregnant.Lynette finally admitted the cancer on her to friends though at first she's trying to hide. She's too self-esteem to accept the compassion from others, even from her best friends. So it's ridiculous to see that they put their hands together to make a commitment that there's no more secrects between each other.
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