Remembering that when I was young, I uesed to hold a remote control to change the channel repeatedly when watching television.First,the programs did not attract me at all; Second, it seems to be the only way to watch all the programs without any missing. And the time has passed by during the process of the changing of channels. This habits was often criticized by my mother, who said nothing could be watched when watching TV with me. Once I thought it was an eccentric, but now, I've found my organization. Please take a look at -- Talk About is there anybody like watching TV with a remote control to changing channel constantly?
Ha -- Ha -- Ha -- Ha -- , I laugh loudly!
I’m Not A Plastic Bag
要问现在最当红的包是什么,当然非Anya Hindmarch推出的I’m Not A Plastic Bag莫属了。这款环保理念的包变得大红大紫——且不说多少明星、名模人手一包;只看那街头排队的长龙,怎么一个恐怖得了——可能是Anya Hindmarch推出时也未曾想到的吧!只不过这款包看上去确实还挺不错的,相比Anya Hindmarch家动辄上百美圆的包包来说,12美圆多一点的价钱也很超值。当然,这是原售价,现在真包在网路上的价钱已经飚升了10倍不止了吧。对了,这款包居然是中国制造的哦,全球化果然是无处不在啊!
If anybody's asked what's the most popular bag is at present, definitely I'm Not A Plastic Bag made from Anya Hindmarch will come to mind at once. This bag of concept to protecting environments has become so ubiquitous-- not only each super star and model has one, but also the horrible lenghth of the queue which people stand in to buy-- that Anya Hindmarch may have never thought of! But it looks good indeed. And compared with the other bags of Anya Hindmarch of which the price is at least 100 dollars, 12 dollars are very overvalued. Of course, 12 dollars are the original price and at the internet it may have soared up to more than 10 times. By the way, this bag is actually made in China. Oh, the globalization is everywhere!
If anybody's asked what's the most popular bag is at present, definitely I'm Not A Plastic Bag made from Anya Hindmarch will come to mind at once. This bag of concept to protecting environments has become so ubiquitous-- not only each super star and model has one, but also the horrible lenghth of the queue which people stand in to buy-- that Anya Hindmarch may have never thought of! But it looks good indeed. And compared with the other bags of Anya Hindmarch of which the price is at least 100 dollars, 12 dollars are very overvalued. Of course, 12 dollars are the original price and at the internet it may have soared up to more than 10 times. By the way, this bag is actually made in China. Oh, the globalization is everywhere!
Unwittingly, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix has exhibited, though the reputation of it seems not too well. In fact, compared to Harry Potter and the Pilosophy Stone which's stunningly attractive, the next few are gradually becoming mediocre. It could not be said to be a regret that to watch the film was more of habit rather than attraction of the film itself.Also there're quite a few bright spots in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, although both Daniel as Harry and Emma as Hermione grew too quickly, and Tom as Draco's become Wabazi-shaped face from an adorable juvenile even. But the actor Evanna as Luna, an Irish girl,comes across and show us amazing astonishment. She's not very beautiful, but the unique artistic temperament really makes her special attraction. Couldn't love her more!

右:穿上西服很制服诱惑,我居然喜欢露出来的那一截黑袜子,觉得非常sexy。The dark blue socks in the black shoes really turn me on!


右:穿上西服很制服诱惑,我居然喜欢露出来的那一截黑袜子,觉得非常sexy。The dark blue socks in the black shoes really turn me on!


Too Familiar To Surprise
It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known. It's a sentence from A Tale of Two Cities written by Charles Dickens, which the first time I read is in my Senior English Book and was moved much, wondering what a deep love that could make a man overcome the fear of death and the jealousy of love to go for death instead of his rival in love. Everytime when I think of this, I was always touched though I don't consider myself as a man of sensibility and at the same time I dislike the girl, doubting her whether deserve this love or not.
It makes me feel strange that why such a simple English sentence could touch me so deep while I feel nothing of the same Chinese sentence. Maybe the reason is that the Chinese is too familiar to us and we've seen to many magnificent Chinese sentence.So there's no surprise when we read a same Chinese sentence compared to an English one.
It makes me feel strange that why such a simple English sentence could touch me so deep while I feel nothing of the same Chinese sentence. Maybe the reason is that the Chinese is too familiar to us and we've seen to many magnificent Chinese sentence.So there's no surprise when we read a same Chinese sentence compared to an English one.
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